Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Of Mice And Men Lonliness Essay

Of Mice And Men is a novel written by John Steinbeck during 1937. The novel is based on the lives of two characters ‘George Milton and Lennie Small’. Other characters in this novel are: Candy, Curley, Curley’s wife, Slim, Crooks, Carlson, Whit, The Boss and aunt Clara. In these characters, there are two women however, only one of them is seen in the novel as aunt Clara is introduced dead and the only female we see is Curley’s wife whose name we don’t know throughout the whole novel. We only see her as ‘Curley’s wife’. Due to this, some people think that Of Mice And Men is a depressing novel. In this novel, most of the characters are lonely and are alone. The loneliest person in the novel is Curley’s wife because she is the only female in the novel and so, to reduce the loneliness, she goes to the ranch and flirt with them by asking â€Å"Any you boys seen Curley?† After getting the answer, â€Å"She stood still in the doorway, smiling a little at them†. From this quote we can see that she has come here for something else and not to ask for Curley because she still stood there smiling at them. She knew where Curley was. â€Å"Think I don’t know where they all went? Even Curley†. If she already knew that, why would she come here to ask them? This is due to the loneliness she has to suffer alone because whenever Curley is there, he â€Å"Spends all his time sayin’ what he’s gonna do to guys he don’t like†. From this quote finally, we know that she is lonely, she is the only female and the only one she can talk to is Curley but, he is too busy with his own thing. So, she comes here to flirt with them. Due to loneliness, Curley’s wife get a chance to talk to Lennie and she prepares her meeting with Lennie. â€Å"I’ll talk to you later. I like machines.† This shows that she got a chance to talk to him because we never knew that she likes machine, and by her saying this, we know that immediately that she just wants to only talk to him and she has no likes or dislikes with machines, she just said that out of the blue because when Candy lost his hand while using the machine, we didn’t hear Curley’s wife inspecting about it So this shows that she was telling lies. Her loneliness was the cause of her death. â€Å"She was still, for Lennie had broken her neck.† If she didn’t organise the meeting with him, she would’ve been alive. She not knowing what Lennie can do, held his â€Å"hand and put it on her head†. However, as he is huge as a bear, his fingers are also like bears claws so, his hand got stuck in her hair and not wanting, he killed her by shaking her violently. The death of animals is common in the novel. It starts with Lennie petting the mouse. â€Å"you’ve broke it pettin’ it† Later Candy’s dog started to stink and so no one liked it and Carlson killed it. â€Å"A shot sounded in the distance.† When Candy’s dog died, Slim gave him a puppy and the puppy gets killed by Lennie unknowingly because he can’t control his power as he is described to be â€Å"as strong as a bull†. This makes the novel to be depressing because it isn’t the animals fault to get killed, why do they get killed? What is their fault? The mouses get killed because Lennie like to pet them and the puppy gets killed because Lennie stroked it for fun. This makes the reader feel that the animals got killed without any reason and so, it really makes the reader feel sad. The death of Curley’s Wife, puppy and the mouses are kind of linked together because the cause of their death is Lennie. He likes to pet and stroke the things which he feel nice and he did that the each one of these. Lennie is exceptionally powerful but, he never realises his strength. He thinks that everyone is like him-strong. He predominantly tries to run away from from problems however, he always does something wrong for which he gets into hot water by George. We see many people dreaming about their future but, most of them don’t actually achieve it. Candy’s dream was to have someone with him. He even says that â€Å"I’d make a will an’ leave my share to you guys in case I kick off.† This would make them a real good partnership but, the death of Curley’s wife ruined it because now, he knew that George and Lennie’s friendship is gone so, the dream will be demolished as well. On the other hand, Crooks is the only black person working on the ranch but, he isn’t happy because his only friends are â€Å"books† which isn’t enough. He wants someone with him too. â€Å"If some guy was with me, he could tell me I was asleep, an’ then it would be all right.† This shows that although he has his own room and stuff, he feels lonely. He wants someone to be with him too like others and just because he is black, no one is with him and he doesn’t like it. Crooks and Candy are kind of two sides of a coin because both of them have their position.Crooks has his own room and barn and Candy has two hundred and fifty dollars. Both of them want someone with them who they can talk to. Crooks is the only black person and Candy is the only person with a broken hand. Their dream is same as well. George and Lennie getting apart is also another reason why this novel is depressing. George kills Lennie which was really unexpected. â€Å"The crash of the shot rolled up the hills and rolled down again†. This was when Lennie was killed by George. This was the real sadness in the story. If you imagine two kids brought up together, lived together and worked together and then one of them kills the other, you would hate that person. Lennie was thinking about his rabbits, his dreams were welcoming him and George killed him out of the blue. This made the reader feel as sad as staying in a prison for his whole life. Due to this, three people’s dreams died. Candy won’t live peacefully with someone, Lennie won’t get to tend the rabbits and George wouldn’t have his own crops†¦ As when goodness goes, badness comes, George’s one dream died but the other formed. Near the start of the novel, we find out about George’s dream which was â€Å"I could get along so easy and so nice if I didn’t have you on my tail† is successful. He got rid of him and now, he can work on his own without even taking care of anyone. He can live peacefully forever. In conclusion, I really agree that Of Mice And Men is a depressing novel. I couldn’t even imagine that someone was so close to its dream and couldn’t achieve it just because one of them did something wrong. They were on the edge of achieving their dream suddenly at the eleventh hour, it flies away because Lennie killed Curley’s wife. This teaches us that you should start to get the thing right when you are kid or else you can get into really hot water when you are older. No one get their dreams except the dream which was useless near the end because George never wished that later on when he was thinking about his new dream. Curley’s wife was like the key in the novel. She was the only female and because of her getting lonely all this occurred and so, no one could achieve their dream.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

An epidemic of inhalation anthrax: the first in the twentieth century Essay

Bioterrorism is threatened employ of biologic agents touching group, a person, or larger populace to create illnesses or fear for purposes of threats, interruption of normal activities, gaining an advantage or ideological objectives. The consequential reaction is dependent leading the actual occurrence and the population caught up and can vary from a minimal result to disruption of continuing activities and illness, emotional reaction, or death. The anthrax eruption in the US which happed during the last part of 2001 this had characteristics of a typical outbreak. A terrorist strike by the use of a biological weapon to civilians will entail responses that primarily differ from the counter demanded by a hit that uses explosives as well as nuclear explosives or chemical weapons. The public health and medical reaction to a bioterrorist hit determination also differ considerably from reaction to ordinary disasters. Construction of efficient response programs entail that these distinctions be evidently recognized. The result of a bioterrorist strike on inhabitant would turn out to an epidemic (Brachman H, et al. 1960). A bioterrorist attack on civilian may possibly have several results, ranging from low-grade signs confined to a local region and not instantly recognized as an effect of biological weapons employ, to an extensive epidemic. The â€Å"first responders† would be nurses, public health professionals, and physicians in local health departments. A covert bioterrorist strike could probable come to notice increasingly, as doctors turn out to be conscious of an accumulation of mysterious deaths among healthy citizens. The accuracy and speed with which laboratories and physicians reached right identify and reported their result to public health authorities would openly change the number of deaths, and if the attack use a infectious disease the capacity to embrace the epidemic. The major areas concerned in reacting to a bioterrorist occurrence include planning, detection, diagnosis, investigation, treatment, communications, and training (Brachman ,at el 1998). In the planning stage, attention must be set to close cooperation among the multiple links that have tasks for implementing the procedures. The partners at local levels, and the federal, state must assist in developing the tactics and also in carrying out the tasks. The main purpose must be to carry on the quantization of the occurrence to a minimum. Administrators must offer management proficiency that creates the environment in which at hand can be successful achievement of the objectives (Friedland A, et al. 1993). Additional professions include communication and public relations specialists, laboratories personnel, epidemiologists, surveillance personnel, heath care personnel, environmentalists, behavior scientists, and support personnel. Resources, such as sufficient and responsive laboratory sup plies and facilities; access to computers; and other kinds of transportation, communication, and finances must be obtainable. In response plan of detection public health surveillance which can be either passive or active but must be sensitive and specific. The basic, regular, passive public health inspection system in place throughout is the first stage of detection system. It resolve necessary to develop case description for the reporting of syndrome of concern in the bioterrorist reaction system. The area of bioterrorism reaction is that of diagnosis (Meselson et al. 1994). It is obvious from the recent anthrax bioterrorism occurrence that health care expert must be educated concerning diseases to which they not have been exposed in their education given that rarity or nonexistence of the diseases. Investigations should be started at the local level with fast and ready support from federal and state agencies. There requirements of clarification from the start about who has the accountability for conducting and directing the investigations, as a bioterrorist event will bring into the investigative ground more than simply the public health agency. There requirements of a rapid evaluation of the most favored method of treatment via the most reasonable and up-to-date knowledge to stop death, control the increase of disease, and stop additional cases. Suggestion should be efficient as new information is available. There must be agreement about the items in the stockpile and clear procedures about how necessities can be made for release of the items. Communication is the main feature of the bioterrorism response preparation not only for prevention and control function but to temper the hysteria and fear that results from bioterroristic measures. One cannot eliminate hysteria and fear, but education and communication can help change it and reduce its effect on the people. Public relations personnel are supposed to be given the accountability for release and preparation of this information, designed for a well-informed and single source. The final, aspect of the bioterroristic response is training; all categories of concerned personnel must be skilled concerning their own tasks. This can be achieved through educational programs, Internet material, and written materials (Schaffner and LaForce 1996). Tabletop training, that is, field trials of the reaction plan, can be extremely effective not simply in educating the responders but in recognizing the deficiencies in the procedures. In conclusion, if a bioterrorist attack takes place, the resulting response will employ all levels most of federal agencies, several professional communities and government, mostly public health professionals and health care provider. Bioterrorist attack takes place in an environment of, uncertainty, fear and great tension. Resolution will have to be coordinated and made very fast. Implementation and planning of effective response tactics must take into consideration the complexity of this challenge and the inter-institutional nature, essential multidisciplinary of the crisis. References Brachman PS, Kaufmann AF. Anthrax. In: Evans AS, Brachman PS, eds. (1998).Bacterial infections of humans. New York, NY: Plenum Medical Book Co,:95–107. Brachman PS, Plotkin SA, Bumford FH, et al. (1960). An epidemic of inhalation anthrax: the first in the twentieth century. II. Epidemiology. Am J Hyg 1960;72:6–23. Brachman, PS, Gold H, Plotkin SA, et al. (1962). Field evaluation of a human anthrax vaccine. Am J Public Health;52:632–45. Friedland AM, Welkos SL, Pitt ML, et al. (1993). Postexposure prophylaxis against experimental inhalation anthrax. J Infect Dis;54:28–36. Glassman HN (1958); World incidence of anthrax in man. Public Health Rep;73:22–4. Meselson M, Guillemin J, Highes-Jones M, et al. (1994). The Sverdlovsk anthrax outbreak of 1979. Science; 266:1202–8. Schaffner W, LaForce FM. (1996). Training field epidemiologists: Alexander D. Langmuir and the Epidemic Intelligence Service. Am J Epidemiol 144:S16–22. Source document

Monday, July 29, 2019

Cloning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Cloning - Essay Example On the other hand, in animals, the clone is a creation from one cell that is taken from the parent making the offspring and parent genetically identical (Tsunoda and Kato, 158-161). There are different types of cloning that can be divided into molecular and cellular cloning. The former is comprised of stem cell cloning and unicellular cloning. These serve an ideal purpose in research of different pathologies, physiological function as well as provide a platform for testing future treatment options. There are many ethical factors to consider in the cloning process and one has to weigh the benefits and potential harmful consequences of cloning. When all the factors are put into perspective, cloning is a revolutionary scientific process that should be given a greater opportunity to improve humanity and the quality of life. Cloning has different levels of significance and these depend on the field one is studying. This factor alone shows the diverse benefits of cloning. Plant cloning is essentially important to farmers, as it enables the duplication of plants with artificial selection of desired genes (Freudenrich, n.p). This has both economic benefits for the farmer as he or she can reduce the amount of expenses in protecting crops, and a social benefit as populations with food shortages are able to yield more crops. The process of plant cloning equips the farmer with the exact knowledge of the plant that he or she is growing. The procedures involved in cloning plants are more simplistic that those applied in animal cloning. An identical plant can be yielded by obtaining a piece of the root tip from a plant (Freudenrich, n.p). Following this, the cells from the root are dissociated and cultured in a nutrient medium. The root cells are allowed to form calluses and then grown in the soil medium. Animal cloning is more complicated and involves different procedures of molecular cloning. The main steps in the cloning process include

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Environmental Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Environmental Economics - Essay Example It is the study of environmental policies and to see how well the businesses abide by these when striving for profits. The major and common costs that these companies levy are air pollution, noise pollution, toxic and solid waste in water harming the water quality and global warming. Since about a decade, these environmental hazards have kept increasing extremely rapidly and rampantly. Thus, there is a now a sense of urgency to get rid of these problems completely. However, this has become very difficult; millions of policies have been formulated by the government and various organizations, but is they still do not produce the desirable results. One another major issue that has been faced since many years is the 'carbon emission'. Coal is one of the biggest energy resource currently used; it accounts for 50% of the electricity produced in the United States. Today, fossil fuels are a source of 80% of the world's energy needs; coal accounts for 25%, natural gas 21%, petroleum oil 34%, nuclear 6.5%, hydro power 2.2%, and biomass and waste 11%. The resources that are environmental friendly such as geothermal, solar and wind are responsible for only a measly 0.4% of the overall demand in the world. The US alone produces 1.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide from coal-burning power plants. Also, it produces great amounts of nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides, mercury emissions and other combustible gases when coal is burned. This makes it very clear how harmful the usage of coal is for our environment. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology conducted a study and made a report called 'The Future Coal' in which they examined all developing countries that try to alleviate global warming and their usage of coal. This report discusses the hazards of global warming and how countries should restrict the emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. It also focuses on how coal remains and important and indispensable part of every country's production, how there is a need to control the carbon emissions and then how these countries need to take care of emissions yet make use of coal to meet urgent and large energy needs. However, at the same time, this reports deals with future technologies that can be used in place of coal to meet the goal of reduced coal emissions. The main reason why businesses and producers go for coal is that it is inexpensive and abundant. Coal can be used at only a cheap cost of $1 - $2 for each MMBtu compared to $6- $12 for gas and oil (The Future Coal, 2007). Also, coal mines are evenly distributed and spread and can be found everywhere, for example United States, China, India etc; except for only a few regions such as Persian Gulf, where instead are huge oil and gas reserves. The non-carbon emitting resources, mainly nuclear and renewable, are not available everywhere; thus, these areas still rely on coal despite all the policies and awareness of carbon hazards. The positive point of following this report is that it does not advocate certain policies that improve the environment; it diverts all its findings towards the technologies that can be used if these policies are actually followed by people. It is only natural to ask for an alternative if a certain act is prohibited; and that is exactly what The Future Coal is focusing on. This study focuses on technologies that

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Endemic and epidemic diseases in Third World countries Essay

Endemic and epidemic diseases in Third World countries - Essay Example Large numbers of such diseases are seen in the third world countries today, owing to a lack of proper health and hygiene practice in the ways of living of the people, lack of proper medical services, and also due to poverty. Many diseases that are commonly seen in these countries are air and water borne, like dysentery, malaria, polio, typhoid and cholera. Another disease which is now taking the shape of a great epidemic is the HIV-AIDS, especially in the African belt. Here there have been reportedly more than 2 million deaths in 2000, and now around 70% of all AIDS cases are said to be from Africa. Thus, AIDS has become an epidemic in Africa and is still spreading with women being more affected than men are. As Shanmuganandan tells us, â€Å"It is observed that the epidemiological situation is precarious in some regions of the Third World such as African parts of Caribbean and Latin America. Cases of AIDS have almost doubled in the Asia-Pacific region. Africa is the leading continent...It is also inferred that the regions identified to report with a higher prevalence rate are Brazil, The Bahamas, The Dominican Republic, Haiti, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago. In addition, the countries included are Hong K ong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, The Philippines, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Thailand†( Shanmuganandan, AIDS in Third World Countries: A Geomedical Study). Without proper treatment and medical facilities, HIV-AIDS continues to spread mercilessly. Dysentery is another disease that continues to affect thousands in the third world countries due to poor lifestyle practices. As Macfarlene comments â€Å"Dysentery is of major importance in most non-western societies, as anyone who has spent time in a Third World country today knows†¦ If we take just amoebic dysentery In 1981, it was estimated that there were about 480 million infected people in the world: 290 million

Friday, July 26, 2019

Network Architectures for Data Centers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Network Architectures for Data Centers - Essay Example On the other hand, at the present technology has changed. Additionally, there is an increase in demands for operational sustainable, efficiencies corporate processes, dynamic operational service diversification, and cost efficiency. In addition, these ever-increasing demands put the data center in the crosshairs of business analysis as its significance has increased more than ever before (LSI Corporation, 2012). This paper presents a detailed analysis of network architectures for data centers. This research will offer a comprehensive analysis of some of the major aspects required for the development and application of data center architecture application and their possible implication for better corporate management. Introduction At the present, data centers serve as the central command center for the majority of business organizations in spite of size and industry. Without a doubt, it offers an excellent support for managing huge amounts of information and data, and ensures effectiv e execution of business operations 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. In this scenario, network based data centers are designed, developed and maintained to store, process, and exchange information and data for economic services corporations, companies, transport business, administration, utilities, educational institutions, network carriers and internet service providers (ISPs). In fact, investments in the development of data centers are growing at a rate of more than 20 percent per year. In view of the fact that the business organizations completely depend on latest information technologies to take actions thus the current data centers have become less efficient along the lines of competence, effortlessness and agility of maintenance (H3C Technologies Co., Limited, 2012; Juniper Networks, Inc., 2012; Greenberg, Lahiri, Maltz, Patel, & Sengupta, 2012). In addition, in the field of data centers, several major trends are happening in parallel, with each representing a fundamental chan ge in terms of how it is managed. Data centers currently include both networking and server arrangements. However, the server part of this technology based infrastructure is at the present far down the road of technology based commoditization, in this scenario high end corporate class servers have been replaced by large amounts of low cost technology based servers. Additionally, new technology based improvement in distributed technology based computing and administration systems have supported the irregularity of individual network servers to be masked by the collective communication reliability of the data center system as a whole (H3C Technologies Co., Limited, 2012; Juniper Networks, Inc., 2012; Greenberg, Lahiri, Maltz, Patel, & Sengupta, 2012). Moreover, the quality and performance of network architectures for data

Express Trust Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Express Trust - Essay Example This may also be associated with duty which by the ethical and moral norms of society you must perform. This is even characterized as a higher form of justice and so important to modern human relations that it has been transformed from a purely ethical concept with limited application to a moral norm of society. Every member of society is bound to uphold it and even becomes embodied in laws. Express trusts are "built around concepts of loyalty and good faith" (Hudson 2008). In an express trust there exist a relationship where a person entrusts his or her property to another to keep, preserve and latter to give the same property to another person who is meant to benefit from that property. Moreover "The trustee is one example of a more general concept of English law: the fiduciary. Thus, it is often said that trustees bear 'fiduciary duties'. For our purposes the terms 'trustee' and 'fiduciary' can be read as being synonymous. The fiduciary principle in express trusts is the idea that such trusts have a nature that it is a matter of confidence, good faith, loyalty and legal obligation to the purpose of such trusts. An example of this is when a grandfather entrusts a piece of land to his son which his son will give to the grandson on his 18th birthday. The father, son of the grandfather, has the duty to his father, the grandfather to keep, preserve and maintain the piece of land and later give the land to his son, the grandson. Duties & Powers Question: What are the powers and duties of the settlor What are the powers and duties of a trustee What are the powers and duties of the beneficiary Answer: The settlor is duty bound to make certain that the property that will be put into an express trust is truly owned by him because "the settlor must have had all of the rights in that property, or 'absolute title', before the declaration of the trust". Clearly, one cannot deal with property in which one has no rights: therefore, the settlor must hold all of the rights to be settled on trust before that trust can be declared" (Hudson 2008). The settlor is the original owner of the property involved in the trust. Thus absolute title means that the right to do with the property as he or she pleases regardless of the concern of others or free of implications to other individuals. This includes sell, lease, destroy and even donate. The settlor has absolute power over the property up to when the trust is constituted. Once it begins his direct power over the property is set aside and he is duty bound to give possession of the property to the trustee. "Once the trust is created, the trustee acquires 'legal title' in the trust fund and the beneficiaries acquire the 'equitable interest' (or, sometimes, 'beneficial interest') in the trust fund in accordance with the terms of the trus

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Current Events and US Diplomacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Current Events and US Diplomacy - Essay Example   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, the fact remained that the US military forces had already lost over 25000 American soldiers along with hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese. In spite of such efforts, the US could not come out as victorious. Antiwar forces within the US were most vocal against the US government for the deployment of the US forces in Vietnam War. In such circumstances, Nixon assured US allies to honor treaty commitments (, 2012).  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On the behest of Nixon Doctrine, it became amply clear that now South Vietnamese troops would have to fight on their own as the process of withdrawing American troops began after formal announcement. In keeping with this pronouncement, the US and North Vietnam signed a peace treaty in 1973 and it appeared that permanent peace will prevail in the area. However, two years later, in 1975, North Vietnamese forces demolished the South Vietnamese army bringing the who le country under communist rule (, 2012).  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is important to note that though the Communist Party ruled the Vietnam since 1975 yet the country moved from planned economy to a market economy in the '80s. In recent years, the US relations with Vietnam have improved significantly. However, several incidents are responsible for that. In 1991, Soviet Union collapsed and disintegrated into several independent states. Also, East Germany merged into West Germany to accelerate economic growth based on the free market trade systems. It is important to note that Vietnam and the US tend to develop a free trade agreement between them. and they have already entered into an investment and trade agreement besides signing air transport, textile and maritime agreements. The US imports a variety of goods from Vietnam such as footwear, apparel, furniture, seafood, agricultural products; similarly, it exports machinery products, vehicles, yarn and fabri c. Thus, relations

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Fine art Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Fine art Portfolio - Essay Example In most countries in Europe, railways have been in the past been owned and operated by state companies. In situations with one railway corporation there is no call for joint station. Lincoln Memorial Lincoln memorial stands at the west ending of the state mall as a neoclassical testimonial to the 16th president. The monument, intended by Henry Bacon, after primordial Greek place of worship, erected 190 feet lengthy, 119 feet extensive, and about 100 feet tall. It was encircled by a peristyle of 36 fluted Doric columns, one for each one of the thirty-six provinces in the combination at the ultimate loss of Lincoln, and 2 columns in antis at the entry at the back of the walkway. The north and south chambers enclose engraved inscription of Lincoln Gettysburg address the second opening. Lying between the north and south chambers is the middle hallway containing the lonely shape of Lincoln sitting in meditation. The piccirili brothers under the supervision of the sculptor, Daniel F. C, ca rved the figure in four years. The effigy of Lincoln weighs 175 tons and 19 feet high. Jefferson memorial The unique sketch was for the figure to be only ten feet high, but this altered so that the dimension of the compartment would not dwarf the figurine of President Lincoln. Commission to plan that tombstone initially projected in 1867, shortly after Lincoln’s fatal outcome. The Legislative body approved the bill to construct this memorial in 1910. Building began in 1914, and the monument opened to citizens in 1922. Jefferson memorial is a presidential monument in Washington dedicated to President Jefferson Thomas, one of the American naissance fathers and the third leader of the United States. The architect Russell J. P designed the neoclassical building and lay down by the Philadelphia service provider McShain John. Construction began in 1938 and was finished in 1943. Thomas bronze effigy added in 1947 to the existing structure. The cenotaph managed by the national park s ervice beneath its nationwide mall and cenotaph parks partition. It became evident that the place showed suit for another high profile monument since it sat in a straight line south of the white house. The monument possibility came in 1934 when leader Roosevelt, a lover of Thomas inquired to the commission of fine arts concerning the likelihood of building a monument to Thomas, together with it in the strategy for the centralized triangle scheme, which underwent construction by then. Building began on 1938 and the foundation stone laid on 1939 by leader Franklin Roosevelt. The position of the memorial is in Washington West Potomac Park on the shore of Potomac River. It has faced criticism from the campus of Alberta lecturer Hamowy Ronald. The lincoln Memorial gets millions of visitors year in year out. National Archives National archives are very important documentation maintained by a state. The organization charged with preserving and documenting management of records. Firstly, ea ch division and organization of the United States administration was accountable for maintaining its own credentials, which often resulted in the loss and damage of account. Legislature established the state documentation in 1934 to centralize record maintenance, with the archivist of the United States as its core manager. The agency was included in general services management in 1949, but in 1985, it became a self-governing

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Water Pump Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Water Pump - Lab Report Example The impeller was responsible for the accumulation of the pressure drop that led to the formation of the vapour bubbles, and the NPSH was greater than zero and was flow rate dependent. Water pumps are used in pumping of water from one point to another. This water can be pumped to residential areas or to farms in order to be used for irrigation. The most common the type of pump used is the centrifugal pump that utilizes the energy supplied by a motor in order to suck water through the impeller and then it discharges it through the exit. When doing so, the head is built in the pump in order to discharge the water to greater heights. This, which is build up, is due to the energy supplied by the motor. Here, H represents the pump head, is the head losses, which is attributed to the loss of energy in the walls of the pump, represents the pressure difference between the suction side and the discharge side andrepresents the velocities of the fluid at the suction and the discharge side of the pump. 1 1. To analyse the pump’s characteristic curves of the pump at varied constant speeds; the pump head; water horsepower; shaft horsepower; the pump efficiency; and the Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH). The system utilised in this experiment was an educational pump setup made by the Turbine Technologies. The flow rates were controlled by the pump speed, inlet valve setting, choice of impeller, and the outlet valve setting. The outlet and inlet valves also allowed the simulation of varied pressure conditions on the pump; this entailed the partially closing of the outlet valve creating similar effects to that of longer length or several turns of pipes on the pump outlet. The fluid reservoir was at lower elevation as compared to the pump; therefore, it meant that gravity could not feed the measured water into the pump, instead the sucked up the water, that is, also known as the negative pressure head. Since the suction

Monday, July 22, 2019

Water Hardness Essay Example for Free

Water Hardness Essay METHODS: 1. Prepare an approximate 0.004 M disodium EDTA solution. To prepare this solution, weigh about 0.7-0.8 g of Na2EDTA and dissolve in 500 mL deionized water in your plastic bottle. Make to to shake the bottle to dissolve the salt. 2. Obtain a 250-mL Erlenmeyer flask and transfer a 10 mL of CaCO3 using a buret into the flask. 3. Measure 30 mL of deionized water and add it into the titration flask. 4. Make sure to stir the solution 5. Inside a fume hood, add 3mL of ammonia/ammonium chloride buffer (pH10) into the flask and stir for another 30 seconds. 6. Add four drops of Eriorchrome Black T indicator solution. Stir for another 30 seconds 7. Begin titration. Record your initial volume and final volume. At the endpoint, the color will change to pink to violet to blue. 8. Repeat this titration two more times. Now that you recorded the volume, your second and third trial should be a lot easier. 9. Take your water sample that you obtain from the stockroom and record the unknown number. 10. Transfer 25 mL of the unknown water sample to a 250-mL Erlenmeyer flask. 11. Add about 20 mL of deionized water to the titration flask. Stir for 30 seconds 12. Inside a fume hood, add about 3 mL of ammonia/ammonium chloride buffer (pH10) and stir for another 30 seconds. 13. Add four drops of Eriorchrome Black T indicator solution to your flask and stir for 30 seconds. 14. Begin titrating. Record you initial volume and final volume. Repeat this twice more. Calculate the average hardness and your experimental precision from the three trials. RESULTS: EDTA Solution: 0.7533g of Na2EDTA mixed with 500ml DI water Table A: Standardization of EDTA Trial| Start Volume| End Volume| Amount of EDTA| 1| 3.90ml| 29.85ml| 25.95ml| 2| 5.35ml| 28.35ml| 23.00ml| 3| 0.45ml| 23.50ml| 23.05ml| Moles EDTA calculations 1st and 3rd trial (10.1 mL CaCO3) x (1L/1000ml) x 1.000g CaCO3/1L) x (1 mole CaCO3/100.1 g CaCO3) x (1 mole EDTA / 1 mole CaCO3) x (1000ml/L) = 0.101moles EDTA/L 2nd trial (9.90 ml CaCO3) x (1L/1000mL) x (1.00 g CaCO3/L) x (1 mole CaCO3/100.1g CaCO3) x (1 mole EDTA/1 mole CaCO3)x (1000 mL/1L) == 0.099 moles EDTA/L Mean molarity: (0.101 + 0.099 + 0.101)/3 = 0.100 moles EDTA / L Water hardness calculations Unknown water sample #24 Table 2. Water sample Trial| EDTA | Water sample #24| 1| 13.45ml| 25.1ml| 2| 13.35ml| 25.5ml| 3| 13.50ml| 25.0ml| CaCO3 molar mass: 100.1g/mole 1st trial (13.45 mL EDTA/25 mL of unknown water sample) x (1L/1000mL) x (0.101 moles EDTA/1L) x (1mole CaCO3/1 mole EDTA) x (100.1 g CaCO3/1 mole) x (1000 mg CaCO3/1g) x (1000mL/1L) == 5439.2 mg CaCO3/1L 2nd trial (13.35 mL EDTA/25 mL of unknown water sample) x (1L/1000mL) x (0.099 moles EDTA/1L) x (1mole CaCO3/1 mole EDTA) x (100.1 g CaCO3/1 mole) x (1000 mg CaCO3/1g) x (1000mL/1L) == 5291.9 mg CaCO3/1L 3rd trial (13.50 mL EDTA/25 mL of unknown water sample) x (1L/1000mL) x (0.101 moles EDTA/1L) x (1mole CaCO3/1 mole EDTA) x (100.1 g CaCO3/1 mole) x (1000 mg CaCO3/1g) x (1000mL/1L) == 5459.5 mg CaCO3/1L Calculate the total hardness in ppm CaCO3 1st trial 13.45ml EDTA x (0.004M/1000ml) x (100.1g CaCO3/1mole CaCO3) x (1000mg CaCO3/1g CaCO3) x (1000L/25.1ml) = 214.6 ppm CaCO3 2nd trial 13.35ml EDTA x (0.004M/1000ml) x (100.1g CaCO3/1mole CaCO3) x (1000mg CaCO3/1g CaCO3) x (1000L/25.5ml) = 209.6 ppm CaCO3 3rd trial 13.50ml EDTA x (0.004M/1000ml) x (100.1g CaCO3/1mole CaCO3) x (1000mg CaCO3/1g CaCO3) x (1000L/25ml) = 216.2 ppm CaCO3 Average ppm (216.2 + 209.6 + 214.6)/3 = 213.5ppm CONCLUSION: The concentration was concluded to be 213.5 ppm in the unknown which is right about in between Phoenix’ water hardness which is 164-291 ppm. REFERENCE: Department of Chemistry.(2012,February).Complexometric Determination of Water Hardness.Mesa Arizona City of Phoenix Official Website

Giuseppe Peano Essay Example for Free

Giuseppe Peano Essay Giuseppe Peano spent most of his career in teaching mathematics at the University of Turin in Italy. He was a fanatic of mathematics who contributed many ideas to mathematical logic but later on gave more focus on symbolic logic and developing auxiliary languages. He wrote his mathematical ideas and logic in 200 books and papers (Giuseppe, 2006). Peano was born on August 27, 1858 to a poor family in an Italian farm in Spinetta, near Cuneo, Italy. He graduated with high honors in the degree of Mathematics at the University of Turin wherein he later worked as its mathematics professor starting in 1880. At the same time in 1886, he was also employed in the Royal Military Academy. Peano’s contribution to mathematics includes differential equations and vector analysis and his famous space-filling curve that contradicts some of the existing axioms and concepts of mathematics in his time (â€Å"Guiseppe†, 2006; Golba, 2007). Another contribution of Peano was in the development of symbolic logic. He introduced many symbols, such as the symbol which means â€Å"belonging to the set of† that is still used in science and math today. Peano had reasoned that the ambiguity of the ordinary language in his time tends to hamper the progress in the development and study of mathematics therefore he proposed many symbols to use for a much easier learning and universal understanding. He believed that the scientific community needed a universal language so that anybody who spoke different languages may understand each other through it. In 1891 and for the next fifteen years , Peano worked on a project he called Formulario Project or better described as an Encyclopedia of Mathematics† that proposed to use mathematical symbols by publishing all the 4200 symbolized formulas and symbols of science using his invented standard notation (â€Å"Guiseppe†, 2006; Golba, 2007) . Peano became an active promoter of auxiliary language. In the second International Congress of Mathematicians in Paris in 1900, (right after the First International Conference of Philosophy where he was a member of the patronage committee), he presented a paper that touch on the subject of how to correctly form definitions in mathematics, including the question of â€Å"how do you define a definition? in the first place. This of course is made to arouse an interest and a need for an auxiliary language. By now, Peano’s main interest and quest (for the rest of his life) had shifted to this philosophical view to such an extent that he had neglected his calculus (â€Å"Guiseppe†, 2006; Golba, 2007). The popularity of Peano’s symbolic logic had prompted a resolution in a mathematics conference calling for the formation of an international auxiliary language to spread its mathematical and commercial idea. In 1903, Peano presented his work of a universal auxiliary language called Latino sine flexione, (Latin without flexions, eventually recognized as Interlingua) which uses the popular and widely known Latin vocabulary but stripped of its grammar and without its â€Å"irregular and anomalous forms† (â€Å"Guiseppe†, 2006; Golba, 2007). In 1908 Peano became a director of the Academia pro Interlingua in Turin, a congress that was set up in order to study and develop auxiliary languages. At the same time, he published the fifth and final edition of the Formulario project (â€Å"Formulario Mathematico†) with all proven theorems in 516 pages. This project had not been much of a success at that time since it was published in Peano’s new Latino sine flexione language which nobody really understood (Golba, 2007). Even with the opposition against Peano and his subsequent resignation in the Military Academy due to the students’ resentment of having to learn his mathematical symbols which they reasoned they will never use in real life, by 1910 Peano continued to develop and promote auxiliary languages. He remained to teach in the University of Turin until his death of a heart attack on April 20, 1932. Peano got married in 1887 but he was childless (â€Å"Guiseppe†, 2006; Golba, 2007).

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Evidence-Based Pressure Ulcer Prevention

Evidence-Based Pressure Ulcer Prevention Pressure Ulcer is commonly experienced by hospitalized adults. This skin condition is otherwise known as bed sores to which the patient’s skin as well as its underlying tissue breaks down due to pressure caused by prolonged non-movement of the affected skin areas. It provides discomfort to the patient especially to those who have medical conditions, which disable them from changing position. Pressure Ulcer can develop rapidly. However, there are several things that can help in prevention and help the patient in the healing process. The purpose of this paper is to develop a plan as to how the Pressure Ulcer can be prevented based on the evidence presented in the articles including the identified solution to the problem. The change plan will help the development of nursing practice when it comes to Pressure Ulcer and suggests that repositioning and turning the patient constantly will help in preventing the occurrence of this skin condition. Change Plan Using John Hopkins EBP Model Overview The John Hopkins Nursing EBP model or JHNEBP is a framework that is used to guide the translation of gathered evidence into practice (Buchko, 2012). It has encompasses three nursing foundations such as education, practice, and research. Nurses should use this model to as a guide to facilitate change because it includes both non-research and research evidence as they create basis for nurses’ decision making. Thus, this model also proves that both external and internal factors should be put in consideration before existing nursing practice may be changed. Practice Question Step 1 Recruiting inter-professional team will be composed of nurses, attending physician, and nursing aid. Step 2 The Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) question is â€Å"Do frequent turning of patients lead to reduction of occurrence of pressure ulcers in hospitalized adults?† For PICO elements, it is identified that (P) is the hospitalized adults that suffer from Pressure Ulcer; (I) would be the intervention approach of the problem, which is the frequent turning of the patient to prevent or recover from Pressure Ulcer symptoms; (C) is the considered alternative in treating the Pressure Ulcer such as using special cushions and mattresses, which can help in relieving the pressure in affected skin areas; and (O) pertains to the gradual healing of skin tissues that suffered from Pressure Ulcer. Step 3 Pressure Ulcer prevents the patient from a complete recovery as it provides addition pain due to damaged skin tissues. Cases of Pressure Ulcer continue to increase. In fact, Sullivan (2013) says that it increased by 80% between 1995 and 2008. Not only in the hospital, but residents of nursing homes also suffer from Pressure Ulcer and was reported that there was an approximate of 11% case increase in 2004 (Sullivan, 2013). This problem affects the healthcare on a broader scale. It provides additional healthcare facility costs, which may not be covered as it is a hospital-acquired health condition. Thus, the overall nursing practice will be more challenging due to the occurrence of Pressure Ulcer among adult patients. Steps 4 and 5 The team, which is composed of nurses, attending physician, and nursing aid will have their vital roles in achieving the targeted design for change. They are important as they hold different responsibilities. The nurses are responsible for ensuring that existing Pressure Ulcer will not become worse by constant checking the affected skin. The attending physician is responsible for knowing if there would be any other medical implication due to Pressure Ulcer occurrence. He is also responsible for providing additional medication, if needed, besides the existing medical condition. The nursing aid is responsible for providing assistance when it comes ensuring that the patient’s affected skin areas are well-ventilated through constant repositioning of the patient’s body. In combining their essential roles and responsibilities, prevention and treatment of Pressure Ulcer will be easier to achieve. Evidence Steps 6 and 7 – The change plan is supported by evidence to which the guidelines of handling patients with Pressure Ulcer are presented. Whitney et al. (2006) say that Pressure Ulcer is one of the challenges of health care providers. The change plan plans to prevent the increasing occurrence of such skin condition to which the articles stated that there were almost 3 million patients affected in the United States alone (Whitney et al., 2006). The research encompasses insights from clinical experts as well as their opinion about the problem. Scientific evidence were also presented in the research such as proper patient positioning, nutrition, support surfaces, preparation of wound bed and dressing, and the underlying principles that were developed per category. The research’s quality improvement data was presented in a form of various guidelines and nursing principles. One of the strength of this research is its ability to provide detailed guidelines as to how the Pressure Ulcer can be handled accordingly without providing additional sufferings to the patient. It also highlights the principle behind every guideline in order to explain why such guideline must be followed during the treatment process. Steps 8 and 9 – The evidence shows that frequent turning of patients will help in the reduction of the occurrence of Pressure Ulcer. There are various articles that presented the similar views and presumptions pertaining to the proper treatment of Pressure Ulcer. Kaitani, Tokunaga and Sanada (2010) suggest that there are risk factors that are related to the occurrence of Pressure Ulcer especially in critical care setting. One of the risk factors may start during the admission stage of the patient. The critical care setting involves medical conditions that will decrease the patient’s ability to move and change position from time to time. Therefore, it is important to know that at the beginning of admission stage, health care providers must be aware that the occurrence of Pressure Ulcer is high. In fact, almost 40 percent of the patients who suffer from Pressure Ulcer are the ones who are in the critical care setting or intensive care unit (Kaitani, Tokunaga Sanada, 2010 ). The authors concluded that that there is no connection between the occurrence of Pressure Ulcers among patients and the involve medication. Therefore, the frequency of positioning and turning the patient especially in the ICU is a prognostic indicator as to whether Pressure Ulcer will occur. This is also to reduce the probability of extended admission of the patient in the hospital. The redistribution of the pressure is the main goal of repositioning the patient in order to prevent the occurrence of Pressure Ulcer. Sprigle and Sonenblum (2011) assert that such skin condition occurs when there is a constant pressure on the affected skin area. That is why; it is essential to conduct a pressure magnitude management through postural supports and support surfaces as well as proper body posture. This approach can be done through weight shifting and turning frequency including the use of dynamic surfaces (Kaitani, Tokunaga Sanada, 2010). Besides frequent turning, positioning device can also help in distributing the weight of the patient and improving the blood flow on skin surface. Therefore periodic repositioning of the patient combined with the positioning device are two important preventive methods against Pressure Ulcer and ideal supporting treatment procedure for existing Pressure Ulcer. Generally, the standard turning by nurses in intensive care unit or ICU does not consistently unload all the areas of skin-bed interface pressures (Peterson et al., 2010). The standard of handling patients with Pressure Ulcer is to prevent most of the skin areas to be under pressure to avoid tissue damage. However, evidence shows that even with the presence of frequent turning and repositioning is not a guarantee that Pressure Ulcer will not occur as there are still skin areas that are at risk of tissue breakdown (Peterson et al., 2010). Conversely, using the support materials is also not an assurance to prevent the occurrence of this skin condition. Such materials for maintaining the patient’s turned position may also influence the tissue unloading, which may jeopardized the affected areas. Therefore, it is presumable that there is still a gap between the theory and practice when it comes to Pressure Ulcer management. Moore (2010) says that besides the increased length of stay in the hospital, Pressure Ulcer may also increase the health service costs. However, such condition is preventable through proper management in order to provide strategically-planned health service. One of the strategies that can be used is the 30 degrees tilting of the patient’s body to avoid too much pressure on the skin (Moore, 2010). Based on the evidence presented, repositioning the patient who is at risk of Pressure Ulcer every three hours using this tilt technique will reduce the possibility of Pressure Ulcer occurrence. Step 10 – Based on the gathered evidence, the recommendation to prevent potential Pressure Ulcer is to conduct a constant turning of patient every 3 to 4 hours depending on the patient’s body weight. The heavier the patient is the shorter the time interval must be applied in repositioning the patient’s body. Thus, it is also recommended that patients, especially adults in ICU department must use positioning materials if possible. In this case, the body’s weight will be distributed evenly along with the frequent turning technique. It is also recommended to apply the 30 degrees tilt on the patient so that the weight will not produce too much pressure on the skin’s interface. Thus, the gravity pull will not be focused on the pressured area. Steps 11, 12, 13, and 14 – The plan for implementing the change will be based on the steps that need to be followed. Important procedures must emphasize on the implementation stage. This will be followed by the importance of conducting such procedures based on the evidence, which will also be presented. There will be a specified timeline to ensure the smooth transition for old to standard practice to developed change plan. For the first quarter of the year, an initial outcome will be evaluated using statistical reports of occurrence of Pressure Ulcer. A ratio between the number of patients and Pressure Ulcer occurrence will be the basis of quarterly reports, which are targeted to decrease after the fourth quarter. The reports will include the total number of patients within the first three months, patients at risk of the skin condition, and the number of repositioning done in every patient. Steps 15 and 16 – The desired outcome of the proposed change is to reduce the occurrence of Pressure Ulcer among adult patients especially in the critical care setting or ICU. It also aims to increase the awareness of techniques on how to apply the recommended strategies of the health care workers. The outcome will be measured based on the reports filed by the nursing staff, which is done separately from the existing medical condition of the patient. The results will be reported to the stakeholders in a quarterly basis, emphasizing how the strategies were conducted and what the specific results were. Step 17 – The plan will be implemented on a larger scale to which other units will be included. The plan will primarily start on the intensive care unit for the first quarter and will also be implemented to regular hospital ward after the first three months. To ensure that the plan will be implemented permanently, it will be raised to the office of the director to be one of the standard procedures of the hospital. Therefore, whether or not the patient is in ICU, constant monitoring of potential Pressure Ulcer will be part of the nursing round. Step 18 – Findings will be disseminated internally through monthly meetings to provide developments after the implementation. On the other hand, it will be externally disseminated by providing its advantages to other hospitals and healthcare setting. If possible and available, strategies, techniques and findings will be published on the hospital’s website to spread awareness throughout the concerned public. Conclusion Pressure Ulcer is an important problem that every health care provider must be aware of. The evidence presented is clear representation that such condition is preventable. Thus, should not be the reason for patients to extend their hospital confinement. The change model will ensure that every involved healthcare professional will be responsible in ensuring that the Pressure Ulcer will be prevented and treated accordingly to those who are already suffering from it. The three levels of change based on John Hopkins EBP process are essential aspects for the implementation of the change plan. Understanding the practice question would be the foundation of the process to which PICO elements will be analyzed for the success of change plan. On the other hand, the evidence will be the basis of the change plan as to how the and why the change plan is needed for the improvement of health service. Thus, the translation is the period to which the implementation will take place. It is essential to have these three levels of change so as to develop a strategic plan of the proposed change. In this case, once the plan has been implemented and permanently practiced, the occurrence of Pressure Ulcer will significantly decrease, which will help in the patient in the treatment process. References Buchko,B.L., Robinson,L.E. (2012). An Evidence-based Approach to Decrease Early Post-operative Urinary Retention Following Urogynecologic Surgery. Society of Urologic Nurses and Associates, 32(5), 260-264. Kaitani,T., Tokunaga,K., Matsui,N., Sanada,H. (2009). Risk factors related to the development of pressure ulcers in the critical care setting. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19, 414-421. Moore,Z. (2010). Bridging the theory-practice gap in pressure ulcer prevention. British Journal of Nursing, 19(5), s15-8. Peterson,M.J., Schwab,W., Van Oostrom,J.H., Gravenstein,N., Caruso,L.J. (2010). Effects of turning on skin-bed interface pressures in healthy adults. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66(7), 1556-1564. Sprigle,S., Sonenblum,S. (2011). Assessing evidence supporting redistribution of pressure for pressure ulcer prevention: A review. Journal of Rehabilitation Research Development, 48, 203-214. Sullivan,N. (2013). Preventing In-Facility Pressure Ulcers. In Making Health Care Safer II: An Updated Critical Analysis of the Evidence for Patient Safety Practices. Rockville City, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Whitney,J., Philipps,L., Aslam,R., Barbul,A., Gittrup,F., Gloud,L., . . . Robson,M.C. (2006). Guidelines for the treatment of pressure Ulcers. Wound Healing Society, 14, 663-679.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Victorian Furniture of the Middle Class :: Victorian Era

Victorian Furniture of the Middle Class According to the Middle Class Victorians, less was definitely not more. In fact, in the case of the Victorians, the more ostentatious and packed a house was, the higher the status of that family. A house in the Victorian Era would most likely be cluttered until nothing else could fit. Not only was there clutter, but the rooms were "quite dark with busily patterned wallpaper (Victorian Home Life Changes)" and lots of gold garnishments. Fashions of Furniture and Their Influences Beginning in the 1830's, the first influences of Victorian furniture were from the English architect, Augustus Pugin. These were of the "Neo-gothic Design (Sometimes More is More)" characterized by dark woods, pointed arches, trefoils and other Gothic cathedral carvings. By incorporating previous influences from cathedrals, furniture represented morality in the Victorians lives (Sometimes More is More). A trefoil looks like a three-leaf clover and is found in wooden furniture. By the 1850's, a new inspiration came from the "Rococo Revival." This was a more "romantic form (Sometimes More is More). " It was characterized by "swirling lines, natural motifs like fruit and flowers, and dark woods like mahogany, rosewood and black walnut (Sometimes More is More)." The design came from France and included the use of not so dark wood and looked more natural. The Rococo Revival ended around 1870. Meanwhile, during that time period, around 1860 until 1880, the Renaissance Revival took place. Instead of having expensive, richly made furniture, the Victorians merely began placing expensive additions to inexpensive, poorly made furniture. During the 1850s, mass production of carpeting took place as well as patterned wallpaper (Sometimes More is More.) This allowed the Victorians to decorate their houses with even more colors and clutter. Who Decorated the House and What Were Some Typical Pieces of Furniture Overstuffed divans and couches were a staple in most middle class houses (Furniture).

Friday, July 19, 2019

Gene Therapy: the Danger of Enhancement Essay -- Science Medicine Ethi

Gene Therapy: the Danger of Enhancement I. Introduction Gene therapy has the potential to revolutionize modern medicine. The techniques of gene therapy are still in their infancy as medical treatments and there are still many problems which must be solved before gene therapy will live up to its potential. However, it is very likely that gene therapy will become a reality at some point in the future and when that time comes, the ethical questions surrounding gene therapy will be pushed to the forefront of medicine. Science may find a way to reduce the risks associated with gene therapy but science alone cannot eliminate the serious ethical and societal risks which gene therapy brings to bear on the world. We need to put people's fear about the dangers of altering the genetic makeup of human beings to rest by establishing ethical principles which clear the way for advancement in medical therapy. Ethical guidelines for gene therapy must be established which emphasize medical uses over uses for human enhancement. II. Concepts of Gene Therapy Gene therapy involves the transfer of genetic material into the cells of an organism in order to cause a specific protein to be produced or in order to cease the production of a specific protein. This procedure usually involves transferring a specific gene into host cells to be incorporated into the chromosomal DNA of the host and later to be expressed. However, according to Dorothy Bonn, the future of gene therapy may also include the use of antisense DNA strands to disrupt expression of a gene or the use of homologous recombination to alter host DNA (1996). In medical terms Jeffrey Leiden, M.D. (1995) defines gene therapy as, "the introduction and expression of recombinant genes in... ...Leiden, Jeffrey M. (1995, September 28). Gene therapy - promises and pitfalls." New England Journal of Medicine, pp. 871-872. Marshall, Eliot. (1995, December 15). Less hype, more biology needed for gene therapy. Science, p. 1751. Miller, Henry I. (1994, July 30). Gene therapy for enhancement. The Lancet, pp. 316-317. Nelkin, Dorothy. (1996, May-June). Genetics, god, and sacred DNA. Society, pp. 22- 25. Voelker, Rebecca. (1993, November 17). The genetic revolution: Despite perfection of elegant techniques, ethical answers still elusive. Journal of the American Medical Association, pp. 2273-2274. Wivel, Nelson A. and LeRoy Walters. (1993, October 22). Germ-line gene modifications and disease prevention: Some medical and ethical perspectives. Science, pp. 533-538. Wright, Richard T. (1989). Biology Through the Eyes of Faith. New York: HarperCollins. Gene Therapy: the Danger of Enhancement Essay -- Science Medicine Ethi Gene Therapy: the Danger of Enhancement I. Introduction Gene therapy has the potential to revolutionize modern medicine. The techniques of gene therapy are still in their infancy as medical treatments and there are still many problems which must be solved before gene therapy will live up to its potential. However, it is very likely that gene therapy will become a reality at some point in the future and when that time comes, the ethical questions surrounding gene therapy will be pushed to the forefront of medicine. Science may find a way to reduce the risks associated with gene therapy but science alone cannot eliminate the serious ethical and societal risks which gene therapy brings to bear on the world. We need to put people's fear about the dangers of altering the genetic makeup of human beings to rest by establishing ethical principles which clear the way for advancement in medical therapy. Ethical guidelines for gene therapy must be established which emphasize medical uses over uses for human enhancement. II. Concepts of Gene Therapy Gene therapy involves the transfer of genetic material into the cells of an organism in order to cause a specific protein to be produced or in order to cease the production of a specific protein. This procedure usually involves transferring a specific gene into host cells to be incorporated into the chromosomal DNA of the host and later to be expressed. However, according to Dorothy Bonn, the future of gene therapy may also include the use of antisense DNA strands to disrupt expression of a gene or the use of homologous recombination to alter host DNA (1996). In medical terms Jeffrey Leiden, M.D. (1995) defines gene therapy as, "the introduction and expression of recombinant genes in... ...Leiden, Jeffrey M. (1995, September 28). Gene therapy - promises and pitfalls." New England Journal of Medicine, pp. 871-872. Marshall, Eliot. (1995, December 15). Less hype, more biology needed for gene therapy. Science, p. 1751. Miller, Henry I. (1994, July 30). Gene therapy for enhancement. The Lancet, pp. 316-317. Nelkin, Dorothy. (1996, May-June). Genetics, god, and sacred DNA. Society, pp. 22- 25. Voelker, Rebecca. (1993, November 17). The genetic revolution: Despite perfection of elegant techniques, ethical answers still elusive. Journal of the American Medical Association, pp. 2273-2274. Wivel, Nelson A. and LeRoy Walters. (1993, October 22). Germ-line gene modifications and disease prevention: Some medical and ethical perspectives. Science, pp. 533-538. Wright, Richard T. (1989). Biology Through the Eyes of Faith. New York: HarperCollins.

The 1819 Manchester Massacre and Percy Bysshe Shelley’s Masque of Anarc

The 1819 Manchester Massacre and Percy Bysshe Shelley’s Masque of Anarchy Sometimes a person is beyond all reach of society. Percy Bysshe Shelley was in Italy on August 16, 1819, during an event which shook his native England. The next month, word reached Italy, and upon receiving word of the protest gone awry, he immediately started work on a poem, and finished it before the end of the month (White 105). It became â€Å"The Masque of Anarchy.† Written in light of the 1819 Manchester Massacre, it demonstrates Shelley’s political stance, in that he detested the British government yet was terrified of the chaos and violence of a revolution.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Manchester Massacre, also called the Peterloo Massacre due to the name of the specific location--St. Peter’s Field--as well as its temporal proximity to the battle of Waterloo, took place on the field in the city, and featured such noted speakers of the day as Richard Carlile, John Cartwright, and Henry Hunt, all known for their contrarian views of the government (Bloy). The people there had gathered--fifty to sixty thousand outside of the city of only two hundred thousand, a fourth of the normal population--to protest, among other things, misrepresentation in Parliament (Manchester and other new industrial cities didn’t have any parliamentary representation, but much, much smaller townships did). However, such a large gathering, peaceful or not, would and did arouse the suspicions of the government, especially a bloated and corrupt government like England’s in the early nineteenth century. The English government, fearful of a violent uprising, took the first strike and sent more than sixteen hundred troops: cavalry, infantry, artillery, and even dispatched the local yeomanry and co... ... but also refreshes and soothes the mind from its radical feelings. Sources Cited: Bloy, Marjie. â€Å"The Peterloo Massacre, 16 August 1819.† A Web of English History. 18 Aug. 2001. 9 May 2002 . Cameron, Kenneth Neill. Shelley: The Golden Years. Cambridge: Harvard, 1974. â€Å"Map of Peterloo.† Peterloo. 29 Dec. 2000. 9 May 2002 . â€Å"Peterloo Massacre.† Peterloo. 29 Dec. 2000. 9 May 2002 . Noyes, Russell. â€Å"Percy Bysshe Shelley.† English Romantic Poetry and Prose. New York: Oxford, 1967. 954-965. Shelley, Percy Bysshe. â€Å"The Mask of Anarchy.† English Romantic Poetry and Prose. Ed. Russell Noyes. New York: Oxford, 1967. 1052-1057. White, Newman Ivey. Shelley. Vol. 2. New York: Octagon, 1972.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Blue Nile Essay

The spreadsheet I did presents a summary of Blue Nile financial results from 2005 to 2009. From 2005 to 2007 revenues and net income both increased. The deep recession which began in late 2007 seriously affected the revenue in 2008. And then in 2009 the revenue recovered and increased slightly. I am going to analysis the financial performance in three parts. First, profitability ratios. Blue Nile had steady return on asset ratios around . 1. The company utilized its assets very efficiently and outperformed their competitors. By doing research on Yahoo Finance, we know the industry return on equity is 0. 18. Blue Nile’s return on equity ratio was much higher. It created better return to investors. Net profit margins were mostly lower than the industry average level. For example in 2009, Blue Nile only had net income of 4 cents for each dollar sale. Its low margins can be explained by its low pricing of products. As Rita said, Blue Nile had a much lower markup than Tiffany. Blue Nile’s number for liquidity ratios are impressive. Such high ratios from 2005 through 2009 show the company’s great ability to pay short-term debt. One of the company’s strategies is that suppliers finance Blue Nile’s sales growth. ( ) The business model contributed to higher sales volumes with minimal additional capital investment. With respect to leverage ratios, Blue Nile had really low long-term debt to equity ratios compared to the industry. Tiffany’s long-term debt to equity was as high as . 39. Because Blue Nile offered a balance between the debt to equity range and firm’s cost of capital, its capital structure was optimal. The company had low capital investment financed by creditors and bondholders. Its debt to assets ratios are over . 5, which means it, had a lot of debt obligations. However, most of the company’s debt was current and it was able to pay off creditors in a timely manner. Creditors did not need to worry about getting paid. Blue Nile’s strong financial performance intuitively indicated the company’s strategies were pretty well-conceived and well-executed.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Politics and Development in Asia

1. In what semi insurance policy-making consider is the create world truly develop, and in what signifi pilet split of it ar not? hash turn out and substantiate by giving examples (Focus Asia)In collar policy-making maturements in Asia, cosmos the mickle of the worlds to a lower placedeveloped nations, I begin this paper by facial expression at the historical maturements that institute for the to the steepest degree subdivision shaped and defined the Asiatic nations. to a greater extent(prenominal) signifi plentytly I focus on the southeastern Asian area of the celibate due to its diversity as substantially as the pervading regional cooperation that has channelly masked, if not impacted an opposite(prenominal) Asian countries during the geezerhood aft(prenominal) World War II. second I would draw three distinctions of how evolution nations ar truly develop with respects to three rattling semi semipolitical beas, principally the functions o f the g all overnment, the electoral limiting and the exp peerlessntiation of accomplished golf club. These three shots would focus on how maturation nations in Asia stir managed to progress politically afterwardward its nation was builded.Historical OverviewGeographically speaking the Asian untainted matchs 17 million squ bely kilometers and is home to a population of over 4 billion round number. In the last(prenominal) 60 or so eld it has bigly been host to over a dozen developing nations a great know(prenominal)(prenominal) as the Philippines, Malaysia, In dosia, Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam and in like manner to progressive developing or developed nations as hygienic. This balance among developing and developed nations is attri fixlyed to the make up nonpareils minds and a bucolics experience to a lower place colonial rein in. During this era, Europeans believed that Asians were rangyly backward twain salubrious-disposedly and sparingally and save setd for the scotch enhancement of its pargonnt nation (Charskykh, 2005), more grandly the locals in these countries served the purpose of being the press force of their colonial masters. It was done this comminute and mixed instances of social, physical and mental dissimilarity that numerous of the Asian countries that had been colonized were pressure to revolt.This virtuoso of field of studyism, plain at its closely(prenominal) infantilestages (as seen in Philippine fellowship) had sustained to unite and unify the contrasting levels of edict to ordain political change that would assistance in the betterment of the acres. Revolution being the gas for political change in Asia has doed shelter the spread of independent governings, and it can too be s uphold that transmutation wasnt the and catalyst for the development of early political change in the region.It was during the events that occurred after World War IIthe frigidness Warthat bewilde r along changed the political decorate of the Asian region, the age of multi-polarity in Richard Haas article on The Age of Non-polarity (2008) draws a distinction that countries were further developed wherein might of twain sovereign nations (the United States and the USSR) answered m all Asian countries as a substance of spreading ideological and political attitudes among dissimilar countries. The age of non-polarity as considerably as the ca usage of the ice-cold War helped to consolidate and change the antithetic Asian countries political institutions, structures and the precise mechanisms, which ar straightforward in todays countries.Political DevelopmentIt can be said that countries in Asia, seeing from the events or circumstances that had shaped it historically, is seen as a progressive continent host to m whatever of the worlds developing nations. In recent days, Asia has compete a large social function in defining einsteinium-West traffic some(prenomin al) politically and economically. With the development lure and presence of chinaware, the world has turned its midriff on the eastern slew of the mapping and thus, this has helped to bring in numerous investments and interests to the region. However, disrespect this surge of regional interest, Asia still has m any issues to tackle, such(prenominal) as the intention of res publica and the democratization process that rise-nigh countries are sorely lacking, this is part and parcel to the organization of their regime, its role and function that should help and aid the battalion. secondly, the electoral process, which has served to gauge how democratized a field is to the point that it is willinging to progress. more(prenominal) significantly, the electoral processes in a developing rural area is frequently observed and watched because of how it affects the micklebeing themost basic right to political fight and prototypeand by large its set up on a republics rel ations with its Asian and inter home(a) neighbors. finally the participation of civil society, in any democratized nation, civil society work outs a sleep together role in laceing and promotion the issues that are important to the volume to the judicature activity. more(prenominal) than that, civil society has similarly played a role in disciplining the governance through and through its expose and oppose manoeuvre, tactics that obligate helped initiate change in the regimen through the passing of laws and repossesss that would value the basic rights of the citizens.Functions of the GovernmentAs mentioned in the beginning, Asian presidential terms being a direct product of independence from the de-colonization process or a product of a bi-polar world order are before long experience what political scientists call the trinity wave of democracy. This third wave accord to Samuel Huntington (1990) is essentially characterized by the loss of authenticity of unpopul ar regimes, a growth in economic output, changes in the Catholic perform regional contingency factors and outer factors (notably the cast of the European Union and the US). Huntingtons third base Wave of democracy enablight-emitting diode many another(prenominal) pertly independent countries to establish themselves in their region, much in the resembling steering the Philippines, India, Indonesia and Malaysia did after the Second World War and the concomitant years after. Moreover, because of the waves of democratization, these fledgling governments sought to establish their have national identity as intimately as strengthen its patrimony. so we see governments working to abolish and reform parts of their strategy from colonial square offs or vestiges of it. because, governments in Asia are functioning nevertheless to use the standards of many Hesperian nations, on that point are countries that are still in motive of further development. Governments in this contin ent are developing in the sense that immediately after their independence they had begun instituting change, the going of laws that would be favorable to its people and not to its foreign neighbors or causality colonial masters. More importantly, it was the passing of their own temper, which bodily their own ideals and aspirations. also that being a parliamentary country, governments put one across taken into effect the very thing that they werent able to clear under colonial receive, their rights and privileges. Like any other participatory country, the government as well as its weapon systemes is tasked with the preservation of their percentages basic human, political and social rights. Moreover the governments of Asia during this third wave of democratization have largely distanced itself from the use of its legions to coerce the people into action at law, as seen in the case of the political upheavals in Indonesia, Malaysia and even the Philippines that help restore civilian rule and enact legislation that places all decision-making processes of the forces under civilian position.Hence, the role of the government and its development in the political landscape of Asia is essentially characterized by the waves of democracy that had followed after numerous political and social upheavals that had happened in the region that had allowed for democracy to proper. Moreover, the political development of Asia is largely attri only whened to the national identity that had been make prior to their independence as well as the belief that civilian authority should pervade in all aspects of the government structure.Electoral ProcessesThe electoral process of Asia and by large any popular country for that enumerate has been part and parcel of alter the democratization of any country. More importantly the electoral processes is seen as the establishment and legitimizing of a government that would adhere to the standards of different political watchdogs, media and Western governments that have investments in a fussy Asian country.Electoral process as a measure of political development in developing nations usually stems from the desire to replete some of the promises of democracy or change the democratic landscape to as fill the problem of diminished and failed expectations of democracy as embodied in Mark rabbit warrens article on democratic participation (p. 679, 2002), drawing from theexperiences from the Asian countries such as Thailand democracy through its elections has failed to point of reference the postulate of its people. This has led to the disillusionment or disenfranchisement of voters that have led citizens to croak little of their government.Elections in Southeast Asian countries strengthen the political participation of different levels of society by allowing greater sectoral participation as well as the existence of fellowship-list systems that pop the unbelief to bridge the breach betwixt the governme nt and civil society itself. More importantly elections are a way for allowing a wide- target of issues and platforms of dialogues to be tackled and speaked so as to initiate reform and change indoors a system that a citizen may no longer believe in. It is because of this most basic political aspect that citizens are duly seated to create an milieu that would allow them greater representation and for their issues to be heard because the electoral processes in any democratic country is an avenue for change. complaisant SocietyThrough the feats of electoral processes in developing nations, civil society also plays a larger role in the development of democracies in the continent. Civil society is the representation of the people to the government they serve as the platforms of dialogues as well as the source of political lobbying and confrontation. such as the case in Myanmar where various civil separateings protested against government action levied by the military junta aga inst Aung San Suu Kyi, in china the protestation of their freedom to express themselves freely has been an issue that had led to the pullout of some international companies that had censured their content.Besides these all too known modes of political confrontation, civil society also lobbies for issues that marginalize a authorized group of people. They represent and voice out the concerns of societies that the government may have neglected to address. Secondly civil society also exposes and opposes those people in the establishment of their crimes. Governmental crimes that ramble on from graft and corruption to other irregularities in the system that seek to create contrast or those that would benefit only a certain individual or group of people that would directly benefit from sucha malfeasance.Another aspect of civil society in Asia is that it is vivacious, in the sense that these groups are everlastingly vigilant of the governments locomotements, procedures and every mi nute detail that would affect the people. One could say that the government cannot move without some group or party noticing it. Because of this vibrancy there is a wider range of perspectives and opinions that the government has to address to allow par and participation of the people and the groups that represent their interests.ConclusionPolitically speaking, the developing nations in Asia are truly developing albeit at a slow pace, however these countries face numerous problems such as the preponderance of cacique democracy, patron-client kinships, the festering relative incidence of graft and corruption as well as the lack of accountability and transparency. Besides these institutional problems, Asian countries are busy to act utilise means that would question the legitimacy of a government (i.e. plurality ply revolutions both in the Philippines and Indonesia).Thirdly, political developments in an Asian country has only helped to serve the elites of society by creating l aws that would greatly benefit them or help them mystify in power. And lastly there is the proliferation of political dynasties and the existence of bureaucratic powers that have peculiar(a) the progression of democracy and equality in the government. 2. Are the main political foreshortens experienced by the developing world in recent decades summed up best by increasing diversity or or else ontogenesis convergence? Discuss extensively (Focus Asia).In todays globalized world, political trends have been largely varied in different parts of the world, even each of these trends have helped in the establishment of ironlike governments and a vibrant civil society. The maturation political trend of todays developing world is the use of media as a platform of dialogue and garnering a wider influence that spans not just local barely international borders as well.Secondly, the sudden onward motion of baneism and the increase of regional and global earnest at the onset of the twe nty-first light speed, has made steady grounds in the discussion of what couldand should be done to address political upheaval brought about by the events of September 11, 2001 in the United States. Thirdly, the further strengthening of regional and international economic and political cooperation, with respects to chinaware, Singapore and lacquer as emerging economies of the 21st century and how this has affected Western influences in the continent.MediaAs mentioned preferably in my introduction, one of the prevailing political trends of the developing world is the use of mediain all its formsto further the cause of both civilian and the government. In this highly globalized world, the media is at the forefront of providing in constitution that would either help or discredit a politician or the government. In recent years, the prevalence of media in all aspects of society was seen through the formation of websites designed for greater interaction (Web 2.0) that allows ordinar y people to post, comment or critique on issues that are miles apart.During the 2008 US elections, media helped to bolster the presence of candidates running for the judicature, using new technologies that allowed ordinary peoples opinions and questions to be heard and also to appreciate these candidates based on their answers. Hence, in Zallers paper titled A speculation of Media Politics (1999)For politicians, the intention of media governance is to use mass communication to mobilize the existence support they need to win elections and to get their programs enacted while in office. For journalists, the goal of media governing is to produce stories that attract big audiences and that emphasise the Independent and Significant Voice of Journalists. For citizens, the goal is to monitor politics and hold politicians accountable on the basis of minimal stew.Another instance of the use of media to change or forward opinion and gallery was during the elections in Iran that were h eavily critical of Mahmoud Ahmadinejads re-election to the presidency of Iran. His re-election served as a catalyst for media and the lucre to react and criticize whatthe public perceive as the massive fraud and adversity of elections that was happening. On Myanmar, during the events that led to the arrest of an American that had trespassed opposition attracters Aung San Suu Kyis home led to a media force that called for the violation of human rights of both the leader and the American.Thus, media as a political trend is vastly critical in denouncing governmental actions that it perceives as the limitation of political straw man (freedom of speech and expression) as well the shelter and promotion of issues that span borders. It is evident that through the Internet and other forms of media that political issues are now known globally, that one portion of the world can already actively participate in issues that are important to them.Security and TerrorismEven before the event s of September 11, 2001 terrorism and credentials in the developing world, specifically the Southeast Asian region of the world, had been experiencing increasingly high levels of terrorist activities due in part to the movement of terrorist cells that had existed during the height of the Cold War and after the fall of Communism in 1991 led to the establishment of different Muslim terrorist groups in Central Asia then would later branch out to the different regions of Southeast Asia. match to Ambassador Alfonso T. Yuchengco in his speech titled Islamist Terrorism in Southeast Asia (2003) he mentions that the movement of these splinter groups led to the formation of the Jemaah Islamiyah terrorist cell which has been operating in different parts of Southeast Asia such as Indonesia, Pakistan and the Philippines.The terrorist group has played a large part in redefining interior(a) security in the region due to its attacks pastime the events of 9-11 such as the 2002 Bali Bombings and other campaigns of terror done by the JI in Indonesia,. More importantly, Yuchengco stressed on the growing problem that this groups are privately expert and funded by shopping centre-Eastern groups such as the Al Qaida network. This has led to a crackdown of terrorist and activist groups as well as the pressuring of the United States of various(prenominal) SEA governments to crackdown on suspected militant groups, individuals and organizations (Vaughn, B., et al, 2009).Regional and International CooperationWith the bulk of developing nations backbreaking in the Asian regions as well the various emerging economies in Asia, it is evident and imperative that one of the political trends in developing nations is the bolstering of regional and international cooperation both economically and politically.The bolstering of these two types of cooperation is vastly seen in the scope of Foreign Policy goals as both milieu and direct national goals. Milieu in the sense that these Asian nat ions are doing not for the self-interest of their country but rather nations pursuing them are out not to map or increase possessions they hold to the exclusion of others, but aim instead at shape conditions beyond their national boundaries. And secondly, direct national goals those that focus on national dependence, or national/collective security or the enhancement of trade relations and negations amidst two different nation-states (Wolfers, A., 1962).Regional and International cooperation has since become a trend due to the growing number of emerging and so-called tiger Economies that have helped attract the interests of Western nations in the continent, this has helped to bring in foreign direct investments. More importantly the cooperation isnt just focused primarily on nation-states economic agreements with one another but also the existence of international NGOs aimed at developing different parts of developing countries. These NGOs sole purpose is to help achieve sustaina ble development and provide livelihood and to help alleviate poverty and bridge the gap between the rich and the poor (Todaro, M., 2008).Increasing deflection or Alternatively Growing ConvergenceFrom the effects of globalization it is evident that the through the political trends of the media, security and terrorism, and regional and international cooperation among developing and developed nation-states there is an alternatively growing convergence. Through the events pastime the end of the Cold War as well as numerous political upheavals in Asian and European countries that have led to countries being democratized, there is a convergence of political trends.Convergences in the sense that the factorsmentioned earlier have been able to establish significant changes in the internal political structures of a country, which have ultimately affected its relations with its next countries. This convergence of political trends enables countries to share the same ideas and perspectives re garding key issues that would help or empower their country and other countries as well. Because of the strengthening of key issues, there are greater levels of cooperation and dialogue that helps in the advancement of kinships between nation-states.3. Identify and discuss the internal (domestic) and remote factors that contributed to the democratization of a developing world. later on identifying, discuss the comparative immenseness of both factors in the process of democratization. (Focus 1 Asian country).PhilippinesThe Philippines has long been considered to be the bastion of democracy in the Asian continent, moreover it is also its oldest democratic country. In nearly a century, the Philippines has progressed democratically internally through the following aspects democratic transitions after Marcos regime, the existence of intact reforms. On the other hand the external factors that contributed to the democratization of the developing world are the Philippines relations wit h former(prenominal) communist countries and its human relationship with the Muslim countriesInternal FactorsInternally, the Philippines contributed to the democratization of the world by showing exactly how it transitioned democratically from an high-and-mighty regime to that of a democratic one. It was the events of raft Power I and thereafter that showed how much progress the Philippines had made during its darkest days. The passel Power revolution showed that when the government becomes a problem, as specified in some of the categories when a democratic government is no longer a democratic one when its people has lost its trust on the government, it destroys the fellowship order and many more.Thesedistinctions helped to unify the people to action because of the belief that democracy should achieve and meet the expectations of its people. In the context of Philippine society, Marcosian rule helped to create a vibrant civil society hence Clifton Sherrill (2006 p. 224) state s, the need for such groups is critical given the alive social order.Because the traditional elites dominate society, only through mass organization can the lower class establish an sounding political view, in this didactics it was evident that political participation by the people were severely limited. In any democratic country, civil society allows for the people to voice out their concerns, that Mark rabbit warren (2002 p. 681) states that when the government has failed to realize the promises it had set out to fill, the citizens become critical of their government, thus the establishment is seen as incompetent, untrustworthy, and even corrupt.More importantly civil society drawing their experiences from the martial(a) Law period has opted to stay on the streets, since civil society is composed of different groups each with varying opinions these groups have systematically played a crucial role in mobilizing civil society to defend the democratic transition and to check su percilious tendencies on the part of political elites (Eaton, K., 2003, p. 487). Hence it can be concluded that from our experiences under Marcos rule we have managed to create a democracy that is more critical and attentive of the movement of the government. It is able to discernAnother aspect of democratic transitions after Marcos rule are the underlying reforms enacted, mainly the public of a multi-party/party-list system and the safeguards embodied in the constitution against authoritarian tendencies. Firstly the 1987 Philippine constitution allowed and introduced supply that were designed to widen democratic aloofness and allow for greater participation of other sectors in Philippine society and more importantly the inception of the party-list law was to serve as the mechanism for proportional representation in the different marginalized sectors of society (Teehankee, n.d. p. one hundred eighty p. 182).Through the introduction of such a provision, this allowed for greater civic participation of the people, the allowing of different marginalized groups help to put key issues of concerns such as development, rights and those that have minimal representation or who have no voice in society (i.e. theunborn). On the other hand, the framers of the constitution also included specific portions in the constitution that would limit the powers of the president and the military. whatever of the basic safeguards is the often cited principle of checks and balances but more than that, the constitution also implement provisions such as the settlement of martial law with the concurrence of the congress, the earth of the Sandiganbayan to curtail graft and corruption indoors the government (De Leon, H., 2001).External FactorsExternally the Philippines has contributed to the democratization of developing countries by pursuing a foreign policy that is reciprocally full to both parties. In this portion of the paper I will be discussing how the Philippines in a span of 50 years or so years has admited diplomatic and democratic relations between Islamic countries and former Communist countries. These external relations done by the Philippines shows how democracy has helped the country establish important economic and political linkages with many of the worlds fledgling democracies and maintain cordial relations with international organizations with regards to its own internal conflicts. I begin by looking at the Philippines and its relation with the Islamic countries, then by looking at the Philippines and its relations with a communist country, particularly that of China.The Philippines and the Islamic countries relationship has long been a colorful one, it stems from the Philippines relations with other Islamic nations. A relationship that had relied heavily on global interdependency in the Middle East, due to the large supply of crude oil in the region, the need to expand the markets of the Philippines, and the growing number of OFWs in the region (Wadi, J., 1998). It was because of these key factors that the Philippines has remained strong diplomatic relations with the other Islamic countries, this type of relationship was geared towards a mutual interdependence both financially and economically. However, the Philippines had also play a significant role with regards to its special relationship with the United States.This relationship with the US as well as their influence over the Philippines foreign policy had change other countries, particularly Pakistan after the creation of the Israeli state in1948. It was only in 1973 during the Arab oil boycott that the Philippines embarked on an unprecedented diplomatic offensive to recognize almost twenty countries in the Islamic world in the 70s. This form of action helped to bolster the presence of the Middle East not just in the Asian continent but also help in the growth of their presence in the Southeast Asian region. The pursuit of mutual interdependence is largely seen as an effort to democratize relations between former colonial countries as well as to establish strong cultural and economical linkages that would help the Philippines in tackling many of its internal problems, notably the conflicts in Mindanao.The second aspect is the relationship of the Philippines with other communist countries notably the Peoples land of China (PRC) during the 1970s when it was advocating for the implementation of the One China Policy in the UN. The relationship of the two countries are strongly linked with our earlier form-only(prenominal) diplomatic relations with the Republic of China (ROC) or Taiwan, during the height of the Cold War, the Philippines had maintained a decisively strong anti-communist stance and thus resolved to deal mostly with Taiwan, which at the time was the duly-recognized Chinese country.Our foreign relations with the ROC (due in part to the influence of Americans) were primarily focused on maintaining a strategic military advanc ement at bottom the region as well as the curtailing of the spread of communism within the region. However, much in the same way that the 1973 Arab oil boycott affected the country, under the presidency of Marcos, the country began establishing more formal diplomatic relations with the PRC. A relationship that was to help the Philippines sustain growth by accepting oil shipments from them in substitution for the PRC to import Philippine products such as coconut oil, lumber sugar, strapper ore, and other metals. Hence in the years that followed, even after the fall of communism, the countrys relationship with China has been economically and culturally focused (Lim, B., 1998).Comparative ImportanceThe comparative importance of the two factors is seen in their reciprocationtowards one another. In the context of Philippine politics and society, internally we face numerous problems that baffle our growth and development, especially after numerous political and social upheavals that h ave constantly marred our progress and image towards other Asian nations. However, through the enactment of certain reforms internally, we are thereby creating a political landscape bereft of anomalies and other discrepancies that would differently hinder the maturation of the countrys political system.It was because of the events of Martial Law and the People Power Revolution during the early 70s and the late 80s that we have managed to transform the country into one that is highly critical of the actions of the government and yet allow it to function within the rule of the civilians as opposed to the rule of the military. More importantly, through the advancement of civic participation within the country, the Philippines is able to garner a wider perspective and opinion on the issues that it needs to tackle. By creating a strong society, the country is able to externally project itself as able to handle different and vital political relations that would be beneficial to the estab lishment of a stronger society both politically and economically.